Volume 18, Number 6, 2017

Special issue on IWNVA, TAIWAN

Elisabeth Köbis, Christiane Tammer and Jen-Chih-Yao
Optimality conditions for set-valued optimization problems based on set approach and applications in uncertain optimization
Feng-Sheng Tsai, Yuan-Chuan Li, Mau-Hsiang Shih and Sheng-Yi Hsu
The hidden convex structure of intersection theorems
Jia Liu, Jiawei Chen, Ching-Feng Wen and Wenyan Zhang
Scalarization and pointwise Levitin-Polyak well-posedness for set optimization problems
Open Lihui Peng
Existence and porosity for generalized perturbed optimization problems in Banach spaces
Open Xian-Fa Luo, Ji-Cheng Tao and Feng-Sheng Tsai
Simultaneous proximinality in L p(S,σ, X)
Open Zhichuan Zhu, Zhengyong Zhou, Yeong-Cheng Liou, Yonghong Yao and Yanchun Xing
A globally convergent method for computing the fixed point of self-mapping on general nonconvex set
Open Yu Han, Nan-jing Huang and Jen-Chih Yao
Connectedness and stability of the approximate solutions to generalized vector quasi-equilibrium problems
Open Wen-Lin Chiou
On cost related structural importance for continuum structure functions
Open Xiaopeng Zhao, Donghui Fang and Ching-Feng Wen
On the stability theory in nonconvex infinite optimization problems
Open Mingwu Ye, Sy-ming Guu, Lihui Peng and Xiangmei Wang
Local error bounds for infinite convex-composite inequalities in Banach spaces
Chi-Ming Chen and Erdal Karapinar
Common periodic soft points of the asymptotic sequences in soft metric spaces
Open Jia Yue, Ming-hui Wang and Nan-jing Huang
Multi-asset option pricing in incomplete market driven by multivariate normal tempered stable process

Yangyang Zhang, Der-Chen Chang and Dachun Yang
Generalized Littlewood-Paley characterizations of Triebel-Lizorkin spaces
Open Yongfu Su and Anca Maria Oprean
Fixed point theorems in semi-partially ordered metric spaces and applications

Yokohama Publishers

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