Volume 20, Number 9, 2019

Special Issue in Honor of the 75th Birthday of
Prof. Wataru Takahashi

  Number 8
Open Alexander J. Zaslavski
Infinite horizon discrete-time nonautonomous problems on axis

Open Nguyen Van Hung, Vo Minh Tam, Elisabeth Köbis and Jen-Chih Yao
Existence of solutions and algorithm for generalized vector quasi-complementarity problems with application to traffic network problems

Open H. M. Srivastava, Bidu Bhusan Jena and Susanta Kumar Paikray
Deferred Ceásro statistical probability convergence and its applications to approximation theorems

Open Jong Soo Jung
A general iterative algorithm for monotone inclusion, generalized mixed equilibrium and fixed point problems

Open Kazimierz Goebel and Stanisław Prus
An attempt to measure diametrality of convex sets

Open Tatiana Shitkovskaya, Zhe Hong, Liguo Jiao and Do Sang Kim
Approximate solutions in nonsmooth robust optimization with locally Lipschitz constraints

Ming-hui Wang and Nan-jing Huang
Optimal consumption and R&D investment for a risk-averse entrepreneurs

V. Darvish, X. Qin, T. M. Tuyen and J.-C. Yao
A strong convergence theorem for a system of generalized mixed equilibrium problems and a finite family of Bregman weak relatively nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces

Open Simeon Reich and Alexander J. Zaslavski
Inexact descent methods with convex objective functions in Banach spaces

Open Jinlu Li and Glenn Stone
Split generalized vector variational inequalities for set-valued mappings and applications to social utility optimizations with uncertainty

Moon Hee Kim, Gwi Soo Kim and Gue Myung Lee
On duality theorems for semidefinite linear fractional optimization problems

Feng-Sheng Tsai, Shyh-Nan Lee, Sheng-Yi Hsu and Mau-Hsiang Shih
Combinatorial equivalences of the Brouwer fixed point theorem

  Maria Afanasova, Yeong-Cheng Liou, Valeri Obukhovskii and Garik Petrosyan
On controllability for a system governed by a fractional-order semilinear functional differential inclusion in a Banach space

  Kazuhiro Hishinuma and Hideaki Iiduka
Convergence analysis of incremental and parallel line search subgradient methods in Hilbert space

  Ilyas Kecis and Lionel Thibault
Evolution differential inclusions associated to primal lower regular functions
Wiesł awa Kaczor, Tadeusz Kuczumow and Simeon Reich
Diametrically complete sets with empty interior in reflexive Banach spaces with the nonstrict Opial property

  Biagio Ricceri
Applying twice a minimax theorem

Wataru Takahashi
The hybrid method for semigroups of not necessarily continuous mappings and strong convergence theorems in Banach spaces
   Number 8

Yokohama Publishers

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