Volume 8, Number 2, August 2007
Chong Li and J. Myjak
On mutually nearest points of unbounded sets in Banach Spaces
Lkhamsuren Altangerel, Radu Ioan Boţ , and Gert Wanka
Variational principles for vector equilibrium problems related to conjugate duality
Fumiaki Kohsaka and Wataru Takahashi
Generalized nonexpansive retractions and a proximal-type algorithm in Banach spaces
X. P. Ding and J. C. Yao
Sensitivity analysis for a system of parametric mixed quasi-variational inclusions
C. Castaing and S. Marcellin
Evolution inclusions with pln functions and application to viscosity and control
E. V. Sharikov
About subdifferential calculus for abstract convex functions
Gilbert Crombez
On averaged, firmly nonexpansive and quasi-nonexpansive operators, and more of that
Alexander J. Zaslavski
A generic well-posedness result for a class of nonconvex optimal control problems
Messaoud Bounkhel
Existence and uniqueness of some variants of nonconvex sweeping processes
S. Dhompongsa and A. Kaewkhao
An inequality concerning the James constant and the weakly convergent sequence coefficien
Sergiu Aizicovici, Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou and Vasile Staicu
Corrigendum to ``Periodic solutions of nonlinear evolution inclusions in Banach spaces''
Yokohama Publishers
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