Volume 9, Number 2, August 2008

C. Castaing and T. Haddad
Relaxation and Bolza problem involving a second order evolution inclusion
Takamitsu Yamauchi
An inverse of the Berge maximum theorem for infinite dimensional spaces
Sehie Park
Fixed point theory of approximable multimaps
E.M. Briseid
Fixed points of generalized contractive mappings
Mark Elin, David Shoikhet and Fiana Yacobzon
Linearization models for parabolic type semigroups
Toshihiko Nishishiraho
Appromimation processes of convolutuion type operators in Banach spaces
Yonghong Yao, Yeong-Cheng Liou and Rudong Chen
Convergence theorems for fixed point problems and variational inequality problems
Akira Shimizu and Tamaki Tanaka
Minimal element theorem with set-relations
Hiromichi Miyake and Wataru Takahashi
Vector-valued weakly almost periodic functions and mean ergodic theorems in Banach spaces
Tetsuzo Tanino, Atsushi Moritani and Keiji Tatsumi
Coalition rormation in convex TU-games based on population monotonicity of random order values
Paul-Emile Mainge and Abdellatif Moudafi
Coupling viscosity methods with the extragradient algorithm for solving equilibrium problems
Olivier Lopez and Lionel Thibault
Sequential formula for subdifferential of integral sum of convex functions

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