Volume 17, Number 4, 2021

Yasushi Narushima and Hiroshi Yabe
A smoothing and scaling Fletcher-Reeves type conjugate gradient method for systems of nonsmooth equations

Guo Sun, Peng Zhang, Liying Yu and Gui-Hua Lin
New smoothing merit function for symmetric cone complementarity problemsn

Guoxin Wang and Gui-Hua Lin
Regularized parallel matrix-splitting method for symmetric linear second-order cone complementarity problems

Chenjian Pan, Chen Ling and Hongjin He
Adaptive multi-dimensional low-rank balance methods for tensor completion problems

Dong-Hui Li, Hong-Bo Guan and Jie-Feng Xu
Inexact newton method for M-tensor equations

Li Su and Honghai Li
The first two hypertrees with larger spectral radius among all uniform hypertrees with given size and strong stability number

Rui-Ting Shen, Xue-Zhi Xie and Wei-Zhe Gu
Preconditioned SOR-type iterative methods for solving muliti-linear systems with L-tensorsr

Yong Zhao, Lin Chen and Xinmin Yang>
A sample average approximation method based on a gap function for stochastic multiobjective optimization problemsr

Jian-Heng Chen and Xue-Feng Duan
A simple method for computing the Vandermonde decomposition of a Hankel tensor




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