Volume 2, Number 1, January 2006
Guest Editors: Yu-Hong Dai and Donghui Li

Special Issue on Conjugate Gradient and Quasi-Newton Methods for Nonlinear Optimization
Words from the editors: Yu-Hong Dai and Donghui Li
Yu-Hong Dai
An Interview with Roger Fletcher
R. Andreani, J.M. Martínez, M. Salvatierra and F. Yano
Quasi-Newton methods for order-value optimization and value-at-risk
William W. Hager and Hongchao Zhang
A survey of nonlinear conjugate gradient methods

Ladislav Luksan and Jan Vlcek
Variable metric method for minimization of partially separable nonsmooth functions
J.L. Nazareth
Complementary perspectives on optimization algorithms
R. Pytlak and T. Tarnawski
Preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithms for nonconvex problems

Linping Sun
An approach to scaling symmetric rank-one update

Gaohang Yu, Zengxin Wei and Lutai Guan
A modified BFGS-trust region method for nonconvex minimization

Ji-Wei Zhang and Jin-Ping Zeng
Analysis of a quasi-Newton method for unconstrained optimization

Regular Papers
Dingjun Chen and Cheol Hoon Park
Development of a parallel optimization method based on genetic algorithm and simulated annealing

Jein-Shan Chen
A new merit function and its related properties for the second-order cone complementarity problem
Alberto Zaffaroni
Superlinear separation and dual characterizations of radiant functions

PUB. 18 JAN 2006

Yokohama Publishers

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